Youth Alive Inspires Youth in Zimbabwe

News October 3, 2024

Harare, Zimbabwe | Southern Africa Indian Ocean Division (SID)

Source: The Health Connection Newsletter | 3rd Quarter 2024

The East Zimbabwe Union leadership brought youth and young adults together across conferences for a Youth Alive facilitator training and conference near Harare from April 15-20, 2024. Young leaders and their mentors convened from near and far, eager to be equipped to help peers who are struggling with substance use disorders, behavioral addictions, mental health problems with suicide ideation, and abuse at home. Experts across Zimbabwe and neighboring countries introduced seminars and plenaries to address these problems, and youth leaders had opportunities for frank conversations with the youth and young adults. Inter-generational mentoring, engagement in selfless service, and leading youth to find purpose in God as their Highest power are some of the resilience factors predominant in Youth Alive. Through education, fun cooperative games, worship, and small friendship activities, the young people left inspired to start Youth Alive groups across the country.