Why are Seventh-day Adventists interested in Health? The work of healthcare and healing is a central belief of the Adventist Church. As early as 1863, Ellen White, co-founder of the Adventist Church, counseled the fledgling on the importance of healthful living. The outstanding feature of her…

The General Conference Health Ministries Department exists to support and empower Seventh-day Adventist churches, members, and institutions around the world to experience the blessings of wholistic health while actively sharing those blessings with others. We believe that we have been created as wholistic beings with physical, mental, spiritual, social, and relational dimensions. We believe that…

We believe in a “ministry of healing” by which people can be restored to wholeness. Reflecting on the life of Christ, the apostle Luke wrote that “Jesus increased in wisdom, in stature, and in favor with God and man” (Luke 2:52). Here we see the four dimensions of wholistic health: spiritual, physical, mental, and social.…

Learn more about the General Conference Health Ministries team at Seventh-day Adventist church world headquarters and the Health Ministries directors for various global divisions.