Source: The Health Connection Newsletter | 4th Quarter 2023
São Paulo, Brazil | South American Division
The South American Division (SAD) hosted a Health Ministries (HM) advisory and a Medical Congress in São Paulo, Brazil, on September 5-10, 2023. The HM advisory convened health directors from all of the SAD unions with the purpose of making plans, facilitating access to resources, and inspiring the HM directors to embrace comprehensive health ministry with the purpose of advancing God’s mission. Included in the SAD agenda was the discussion of integrating all Adventist hospitals in Brazil into one system. The proposed plan was embraced by the Union and Hospital administrators, projecting that this plan would enhance the sustainability and future of these institutions. The SAD plans to start in Brazil, and then perhaps unify all SDA hospitals in the division into the same system. The week ended with a Medical Congress, where the doctors employed by the church were celebrated and recognized for their unselfish, dedicated service. These medical missionaries left inspired to continue committing their lives to the service of God, bringing healing and salvation to the many lives they touch daily.