Faith Community Nursing

Faith Community nursing is a growing specialty practice of professional nursing that is recognized by the American Nursing Association as a nursing specialty and It also recognized by many denominations as a ministry that fosters whole person health. This ministry is embraced by Christians and other faith traditions. As a nursing specialty, there are specific qualifications for those entering faith community nursing. The person must be a registered nurse with a current license or a student in a baccalaureate nursing education program. The person must also have at least 2- 5 years of experience where skills have been developed for health assessment and problem-solving.
Faith community nurses are licensed, registered nurses who promote whole person health for self, individuals and the community using nursing knowledge combined with spiritual care. They function in paid and unpaid positions as members of the pastoral team in a variety of religious faiths, cultures, and countries. They prioritize the intentional care of the spirit, assisting the members of congregations and/or faith-based organizations to maintain and/or regain wholeness of body, mind, and spirit.

The Foundations of Faith Community Nursing course was developed by the Westberg Institute to prepare registered nurses for Faith Community Nursing practice according to the Scope and Standards of Faith Community Nursing. This intense training prepares nurses to practice in their local church as a faith community nurse, but can also be used by nurses to strengthen their health and healing ministry in a faith setting.
The General Conference Health Ministry department offers the Faith Community Nursing Foundations Course by request of Adventist Institutions globally. For further questions please contact us using the contact page of this website.

FCN Foundations Course
(To be Announced)