Addiction Recovery Training Draws a Crowd

News October 3, 2024

Bucaramanga, Colombia | Eastern Colombia Union (IAD)

Source: The Health Connection Newsletter | 3rd Quarter 2024

Nearly 300 Adventist pastors, ministry leaders, health professionals, and lay members joined with enthusiasm from May 2-4, 2024 for the addiction recovery training entitled Journey to Wholeness in Barquisimeto, Colombia. This training of facilitators was sponsored by Adventist Recovery Ministries – a vital ministry under the Health Ministries department that aims at walking beside people struggling with different kinds of behavioral addictions or substance use disorders. It was the only second training done in Spanish in the Inter-America Division (IAD) territory. Participants recognized the need for this Christ-centered approach to facilitate the recovery process, sharing personal stories of healing and the positive impact of reaching people with a wholistic message of hope.