On November 22-25, the Island of Honiara in the Solomon’s was the bed for an Adventist Recovery Ministries (ARMin) Global training that brought together over one hundred health professionals, pastors and other church leaders and members from the Pacific islands. The training was sponsored by the 10,000 Toes campaign promoted by the Seventh-day Adventist in the South Pacific Division, and embraced by the National Minister of Health. The 10,000 Toes campaign aims at reducing the non-communicable diseases that plague many in the Pacific. Dr. Chester Kuma, Health Ministry director for the South Pacific Division, summarized the plan: “We have divided the country in regions and assigned regional health promoters who will lead health promotion programs in the community. After receiving this addiction recovery training they will return to their cities to equip others and start 12-step groups, bringing healing from addictions to anyone who seeks recovery.” Dr. Paul Woods, Trans-Pacific Union health director, also participated along leaders from Vanuato and Fiji. They left committed to bring Addiction recovery training to their territories in an attempt to grow exponentially those equipped to help the many in need of addiction recovery in the Islands.
Honiara, Solomon Islands | South Pacific Division