Jordan and Lebanon | Middle East North Africa Union (MENAU)
During the month of November, the Jordan-Lebanon field within MENAU offered several health trainings and outreach for the community. The effort started with two full days of a comprehensive health ministry training for pastors in Amman, Jordan, on November 6 through 8 led by Dr. Katia Reinert, assistant director for Health Ministry at the General Conference. Topics presented were relevant for personal health and also health outreach to assist the community. A shorter training was also offered in Lebanon at the Middle-East University on November 10 and 12. Health lectures entitled “Happy and Healthy: Secrets for Living Life to the Full” were offered for hundreds of students and parents at both Adventist schools in Lebanon as well as for refugee families. Students and parents were engaged asking questions and interested in topics of addiction prevention, nutrition, prevention of chronic diseases, as well as forgiveness and health. Health expos have been instrumental in providing health screenings and education for members of the communities throughout MENAU.