East Central Africa Division (ECD)–A team of leaders from the General Conference visited five mission hospitals and respective nursing schools in the East Central Africa Division during the month of August. The goal was to show appreciation and evaluate the needs and the care provided to patients. Hospitals visited included Kendu Bay in Kenya, Muganero in Rwanda, Ishaka in Uganda, Heri in Tanzania, and Gimbie in Ethiopia. Despite the great financial needs, these hospitals continue to serve the needy in communities that experience extreme poverty in remote areas. Dedicated staff have extended Jesus’ love and healing ministry and are known for their differentiated wholistic care. Nursing and Allied health schools train students who are known for their superior clinical skills compared to students from other institutions. In order to keep the hospital care sustainable and financially viable the need for surgeons, doctors, nurses, faculty and administrators with a heart for mission remains great. For information on how you can help contact our GCHM office.